Building Strong Communities 

We believe in the importance of investing in the world where we live and work.

We provide our expertise to public benefit without profit making purposes. We co-operate with local institutions to identify needs of each community. We design schools, libraries, public service buildings, police stations, city centers without profit making purposes. We prioritize disaster areas immediately and take fast actions. 

We believe social gender equity is a necessary foundation for a peaceful and sustainable community. 

We care about creating a suitable environment to ensure social gender equality in our offices and construction sites and we work in this direction. 

We are proud to announce that 62% of TIBA employees are women.

We offer professional internship opportunities for university students and graduates within the scope of our social responsibility projects. We believe the best development opportunity is offered through practice, and we train young generations accordingly. We aim to give our interns active and effective roles in our projects to increase their professional skills.